Thursday, April 7, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011


The typeface I used is Adobe STD R .


Here I was just playing around with colours for the background ! but by doin this I fell an image will be stronger .. !!

next idea !

After putting some of my ideas together I am stuck for my next one to finish my cover ! So I thing I will put my text in and go from there !

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

pen / Wire


The reason I am having the wire turn into the pen is because the headphones are the brain and with a brain comes with great ideas !! And with an idea you always have to write it down somewhere so you dont forget it !

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I will paint this brain texture and place it into my headphones!


My headphone are goin to be filled with the Texture of a brain !

But I am goin to make this image my own by drawing it and puttin it into illustrator to make my Texture !

Physical object

The reason I am using headphones for my object is because I think they are the key think in music !

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mind Maps

The reason i done these mind maps was to get some ideas for my book cover design.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


1 I like this one because of the use of colour and how it is like an mirror image from one side of the sleeve to the other. Also I like the type use it is nice and bold and suits the image used.

2 This one is my favourite cover as it is very simple and eye-catching and also the white text works perfect with the image used.

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Makes a Good Book Cover Design?

What Makes a Good Book Cover Design?

By Lewis Agrell

The best covers are those that are the most beautiful. Billions of dollars are spent every year in advertising, fashion and manufacturing to infuse more and more beauty. Why? Because beauty attracts the eye. That's why the most beautiful models, actresses, cars, houses and boats cost the most money. Beauty is a precious, treasured commodity.
Beauty has specific qualities: harmony, balance, unity, synthesis, and refinement. Designers struggle to make the colors and design elements—fonts, photos, illustrations, and other graphic elements—work in such a way that the greatest beauty is attained.
Designer Attributes
Why are some designers better than others? This is not a simple question to answer. Designers must be trained in the basics of graphic design, particularly color theory. The other qualities that are necessary are:
  1. Experience: it helps to have tried many different approaches to design work, and learned what does and does not work;
  2. Intelligence: reading as much as possible about the industry is very helpful, because it is important to stay current, not only with the latest design movements and techniques, but also the tools of the trade (computers and software);
  3. Worldly awareness: it helps to know what is going on in the world, because world events are often reflected in design work. Witness particularly the dynamics of the ‘60s and the ‘70s, when many social shifts occurred. Designers and illustrators exploded with new ways of working, as a reflection of the dynamism of the period;
  4. Sensitivity: A designer must be sensitive to the material with which he/she is working, as well as to the needs, desires, and expectations of the client.

Basic Shape

Here is a book sleeve I found for a good example to show the basic shape of a book sleeve.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Anna Arianova

Anna Arianova and she is a Graphic Designer and here is a link to her website!!
Here are some of her book covers I found on her website ( Link Above )

Musicophilia Book Cover

Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain, Revised and Expanded Edition by Oliver Sacks
Legendary R&B icon Ray Charles claimed that he was “born with music inside me,” and neurologist Oliver Sacks believes Ray may have been right. Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain examines the extreme effects of music on the human brain and how lives can be utterly transformed by the simplest of harmonies. With clinical studies covering the tragic (individuals afflicted by an inability to connect with any melody) and triumphant (Alzheimer’s patients who find order and comfort through music), Sacks provides an erudite look at the notion that humans are truly a “musical species.”

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Book Cover

I think a good book cover is simple and only 2 or 3 colours ! Here are a few designs that I found that are nice and simple !

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Now I want to make my 2 runner a pair and put them on someones feet !!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Runners

Here is my Runner I drew and put it into Photoshop. I want to turn all my bag Items into these Runners !!

my Items

I am going to put all these items together and make something from them. I might make a gun or a runner or something simple !